Surface Drainage & Channel Drain Products

ABT designs and manufactures some of the most extensive, reliable, and versatile lines of channel
drains, grates, and surface water management solutions in the industry.

All Products

  • Permavoid 400MD


    Permavoid MD (PV400) structural cells are a water management solution designed for both stormwater quality and quantity. High-strength units capture large volumes of water and promote more natural stormwater behavior through infiltration, retention or detention.

    Water quality is also enhanced within the system through patented Biomat filtration. The floating composite adsorbs hydrocarbons on the water's surface and allows microbes to naturally digest and eliminate the pollutant. Permavoid MD is suitable for many stormwater management applications ranging from high-speed, heavy duty traffic through landscape areas.

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  • Permavoid 150


    Permavoid 150 (PV150) structural cells are multi-functional water management solutions that promote sustainable stormwater behavior. The interconnected, high-strength units create a patented subbase replacement system that attenuates stormwater flows and, when feasible, promotes infiltration even beneath impervious surfaces. Units can be stacked to

    create multi-layer tanks to fit nearly any site constraints while eliminating the need for traditional conveyance schemes. Permavoid systems can also enhance landscape resiliency through patented capillary cylinders that wick stormwater up toward vegetation without the need for sprinklers, pumps or energy to create the ultimate low impact solution.

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  • Permavoid 85s


    Permavoid 85s (PV85s) is a high strength, sustainable water management solution purpose built for athletic fields, blue to green roofs, podium decks, and landscape applications. Interconnected units, drain, store and convey stormwater in a shallow profile where it can be converted from a waste product into a precious resource. To do so, Permavoid systems utilize patented capillary cylinders which draw stormwater upward to vegetation without the need for sprinklers, pumps or energy. This can dramatically enhances landscape resilience during wet or dry extremes and forms the foundation for sustainable green infrastructure solutions.

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  • Permavoid 85


    Permavoid 85 (PV85) structural cells are multi-functional water management solutions that promote sustainable stormwater behavior. The interconnected, high-strength units create a patented subbase replacement system that attenuates stormwater flows and, when feasible, promotes infiltration even beneath impervious surfaces. Units can be stacked to create multi-layer tanks to fit nearly any site constraints while eliminating the need for traditional conveyance schemes. Permavoid systems can also enhance landscape resiliency through patented capillary cylinders that wick stormwater up toward vegetation without the need for sprinklers, pumps or energy. Permavoid systems are the foundation of resilient, sustainable infrastructure.

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  • PolyDrain


    PolyDrain® is a presloped & modular concrete trench drain channel. Combine interlocking trench drain sections to create runs of almost any configuration and length. In addition to its versatility, with precision pre-casting, you get a high-quality pre-sloped drainage channel product that requires less onsite labor.

    Replace site-built drainage products with factory-built performance, consistency, and reliability.

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  • Trench Drain Forming System

    Original Cast-In-Place Forming System

    TrenchFormer is the original expanded concrete cast-in-place channel drain forming system. Completely customizable forming sections allow designers to select the width, depth, shape, and slope for any specification and project conditions. The resultant high precision monolithic trench is faster and easier to install when compared to traditional hand-formed cast-in-place trenches.

    Significantly, the concrete former is entirely removed prior to service allowing complete inspection of the workmanship and quality of the final product. Other systems conceal concrete voids, which could lead to frame collapse and other failures.

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  • Permavoid

    Innovative Sustainable Drainage Products and Solutions

    Permavoid is a multi-functional stormwater management system engineered to create functional and appealing urban development drainage which treats stormwater as a resource, rather than a waste product.

    Modular units with a 95% void ratio and ultra-shallow profile form a monolithic stormwater control structure that reduces the impact of urban development. Our designs and sustainable drainage products cultivate the natural movement of water within the local ecosystem and watershed. The high-strength polypropylene raft is also ideal for subbase, deep conveyance pipe, and water detention replacement. Eliminating traditional conveyance structures reduces the costs associated with deep excavations, backfill materials, and potential subgrade conflicts including bedrock, contaminated ground, buried utilities, and high water tables.

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  • PolyDrain PDX

    Industrial & Commercial Trench System

    PolyDrain PDX® combines the precision and accuracy of premanufactured polymer concrete with the design flexibility of cast-in-place construction. PolyDrain PDX® modular polymer concrete, trench drain surface drainage systems are second to none. The modular built-to-order trench drain channel sections satisfy practically any custom layout, structural or hydraulic load, and chemical resistance demands. Polymer concrete drainage channels also feature tongue and groove joints for positive alignment and an outstanding fit with any requisite joint sealant.

    PDX is available in 7 different interior widths from 6” [152mm] up to 24” [609mm] with depth increments from 0.197” [5mm] up to 19.69” [500mm]. Channel slopes can also be adapted to fit any project with up to a 4% grade.

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  • Trench Former MHD

    Municipal Heavy Duty - Roads & Airports

    Any special flow and depth requirements can be achieved with our TrenchFormer MHD Concrete cast-in-place Trench Forming System. All our patented TrenchFormer trench forming systems deliver greater flexibility for challenging specifications and projects. Specifically designed for roads and airports, TrenchFormer MHD features ASTM A-36 structural steel frame that maximizes load transference into the encasement concrete. The attractive grate designs are lightweight for ease of maintenance and greater inflow area with no sacrifice in strength.

    TrenchFormer MHD cast-in-place trench forming system provides a complete assembly of parts needed to handle medium to heavy-duty applications found in municipalities, roadways, and industrial facilities.

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  • TrenchFormer XHD

    Xtra Heavy Duty - Airports & Ports

    TrenchFormer XHD is more than just an extremely heavy-duty grate. Every component of the XHD trench drain forming system is engineered to handle the exacting requirements found specifically in airports, seaports, and intermodal facilities. Our patented non-rigid bar-lock system is designed for dynamic longitudinal and vertical retention. A robust trench drain frame design and a large bearing area maximize load transfer and minimize the risk of concrete shear failure below the frame.

    The XHD system provides the ultimate performance with the lowest cost of ownership.

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  • Paver Grate

    Discrete Drainage CHANNEL For Architectural Pavers

    PolyDrain PaverGrate® is a discrete slot drain system designed to provide a nearly invisible surface drain option when used in conjunction with brick or stone pavers.

    With a 5/16″ (7.9mm) opening, PaverGrate® is both ADA and Heel Proof.

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  • PolyDrain Shallow

    Economical Polymer Concrete Channels

    When performance matters on your project, our PolyDrain® Shallow polymer concrete drainage channels offer a practical and economical drainage solution. The initial cost of plastic and fiberglass trench drain may look attractive; however, the different thermal expansion coefficients between dissimilar materials and surrounding concrete repeatedly introduce extreme thermal stresses. These stresses can lead to fracture or deformation of the drainage channels. Most fiberglass and plastic materials are also extremely susceptible to UV degradation.

    Under serviceable design loads and proper installation, polymer concrete can often outlast the life of the concrete slab. This superior quality makes our shallow-depth polymer concrete drainage channels top-of-the-line.

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  • VectorDrain®

    Economical Slot Drain

    VectorDrain® is an ADA compliant slot trench drain system for pools with a narrow profile and clean lines using an underground PVC slotted drain channel system. The polymer concrete inlet will also withstand harsh environments that often destroy plastic drain inlents. Thanks to its hidden PVC slotted drain channel system, VectorDrain® is a smart and cost-effective solution for a wide variety of drainage situations and capable of handling the heaviest pedestrian traffic.

    The polymer concrete top also bonds with most concrete surface coatings and will create an unmatched, virtually invisible, finished appearance. Thus, VectorDrain® is the ideal slot drain for patios, pool decks, running tracks, sidewalks, and pavillions.

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  • Interceptor® A-67

    The Original Highway Drainage System

    We developed Interceptor® roadway trench drain system in collaboration with numerous state departments of transportation to address the common and long-standing challenges of roadway drainage. Interceptor® A-67 roadway trench drain systems limit the excessive spread and dangerous hydroplaning conditions where standing water, sheet flow, and inlet bypass problems exist. Our Interceptor® polymer concrete roadway trench drain systems include advanced integral frames and grates, which can withstand high-speed highway traffic and snowplow blades. Equally important, common trench obstructions are cleared through the grates with conventional high-pressure wash equipment and trucks.

    The performance and technical design of the Interceptor® A-67 highway drainage system has set the standard for Transportation Departments in North America.

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  • PolyDrain FirstFlush®

    Stormwater Filtration for Urban Runoff

    The "first flush effect" refers to the initial surface runoff during a rainstorm and the resulting surge of concentrated water pollution. Corresponding high sheet flows wash the pollutants through storm sewers to local surface waters. Our engineers created a Best Management Practice (BMP) to counter the negative effects of urban runoff.

    Any storm runoff filtration system will collect debris, capture hydrocarbons, and should reduce pollutants. Our PolyDrain stormwater filtration solution also manages the significant overland flow during initial runoff events. We prioritize the stormwater first flush treatment event by allowing prolonged rainfall to bypass the treatment media. This bypass minimizes pulsing and prevents concentrated pollutants from the "first flush effect" from continuing on to downstream waterways.

    FirstFlush® is the perfect sustainable drainage solution to meet this critical stormwater filtration challenge.

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  • Stormwater Channel Filter

    Stormwater Filtration for Urban Runoff

    The "first flush effect" refers to the initial surface runoff during a rainstorm and the resulting surge of concentrated water pollution. Corresponding high sheet flows wash the pollutants through storm sewers to local surface waters. Our engineers created a Best Management Practice (BMP) to counter the negative effects of urban runoff.

    Any cast-in-place stormwater filtration system will collect debris, capture hydrocarbons, and should reduce pollutants. Our cast-in-place stormwater sustainable drainage and filtration products and solutions also manage the significant overland flow during initial runoff events. We prioritize the treatment of a first flush event by allowing prolonged rainfall to bypass the treatment media. This bypass minimizes pulsing and prevents concentrated pollutants from the "first flush effect" from continuing on to downstream waterways.

    FirstFlush® is the perfect solution to meet this critical stormwater filtration challenge.

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  • Interceptor® SuperSlope

    Point Inlet Refinement

    The Interceptor® SuperSlope high-volume sloped drainage channel augments the advantages of PDX with our integral frame and grate. SuperSlope is the perfect interceptor drain system for applications that require traversing more extreme grades or where extra inflow capacity is needed. In a sump location, flanking inlet structures with SuperSlope have been shown to limit inlet bypass and reduce cost by reducing the number of structures needed.

    For over 30 years, ABT's skilled team has made it our top priority to provide outstanding service and top-of-the-line drain solutions. Our Interceptor high-volume sloped drainage channel and other drainage products are uniquely designed using materials of the highest standard.

    We take pride in the fact that we manufacture some of the most extensive, reliable, and versatile lines of channel drains, grates, and water management solutions in the road and highway industry.

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  • Oil-Water Separator

    Gravimetric Pre-Treatment Tank

    TrenchFormer is uniquely positioned to collect non-point source (NPS) pollution from urban runoff. Our cast-in-place trench drain Oil-Water Separator is a cost-effective addition that separates these urban pollutants into their discrete components. Using a baffle plate, stand-pipe assembly, and gravity, our system separates oil, water, and solid particles from the site’s wastewater.

    Uniquely, the TrenchFormer concrete Oil-Water Separator tank is constructed using a lightweight cast-in-place forming system that installs without the necessity of heavy equipment. The basic system contains no moving parts. Periodic removal of captured oil and solids is the only maintenance required.

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