People in residential areas often try to protect themselves from the natural elements. To help this effort, home and property owners have implemented trench drainage systems to reduce the chance of flooding. Trench drain systems in residential areas will benefit multiple situations depending on the type of home.
Houses are a homeowner’s pride and joy and one of the staples of our society. Maintaining a house can be difficult; homes often require repairs and renovations to keep the structures up-to-date. One of the most threatening occurrences for any homeowner to worry about is water damage.
Water damage can occur in different house parts, especially in the lower sections. If the water doesn’t have a way to drain itself and is stationary, it can break down wood and other materials. Luckily, there is a way to expel the water away from the house before any damage can occur; it’s through a trench drainage system. Placing the residential trench drains around specific areas of the house can defend you and your home from potential harm.
The garage has plenty of significant equipment inside of it. Your tools, supplies, and even your car aren’t safe from a potential flood. Whether your garage has even pavement or sits on an incline, it would be a good idea to have a trench drainage system installed in front of the door.
A trench drain will redirect the water away from the opening to stop it from entering your home through the garage. Or, if you have a spill or leak inside the garage, the trench drain can contain the running liquid while supplying a place to direct the fluid. This drainage system will keep your items dry and prevent the chance of slipping in an area with potentially dangerous tools.
Some driveways have an incline which can allow falling precipitation to enter the streets and sidewalk. However, there are certain occasions where something other than water, such as motor oil or gasoline, can leak from a car and trickle down the driveway and onto the sidewalk where a passerby could slip, creating another problem. Trench drain systems in residential areas placed at the end of the driveway would help prevent this problem while ensuring that your vehicle’s path isn’t slippery.
Many people know the dangers of a flooded basement. Electric circuits and gas tanks exposed to the water are dangerous and can cause damage. While the water will soak and ruin anything down there in moments, filtering the water out could take weeks.
To counter an event such as this, a homeowner can place a trench drainage system at the bottom of the stairs to stop any water from creeping upward. The drain will connect to the underground sewage system and filter out the water.
With a different structure and community than a house, buildings with tenants and renters have a peculiar setting. Apartment and condo structures often feature underground parking areas, open area parking lots, and community pools. These features aren’t always in the same place as other buildings and range in size.
While the structure of these buildings differs, they still can encounter the same issues from water and weather damage. But given the general layout, size, and population of most apartments and condominiums, the affected areas are more extensive. This considerable number of people living there makes it more imperative to install trench drains for safety measures.
Parking Lots
All parking lots should have some form of drainage due to the space’s communal use. The trench drainage system is the most effective given its length and efficiency. Walking to your car in a field of puddles isn’t pleasant, so draining the water before it can pool would make an excellent solution.
There are also plenty of parking areas that aren’t evenly paved and incline into an alley. Water can pool into a miniature canyon and create a large puddle that can dirty your vehicle. But by installing a trench drain, you can eliminate the water before it can pool.
Parking Garages
For parking areas underneath the building, water is likely to find its way down through the garage door as it slopes downward. Like the driveways of a house, placing a trench drain at the bottom of the incline will catch the water before any runoff can make its way through the parking area.
Multiple trench drains would be optimal along the walls and a few in the center to increase the effectiveness of catching water. These trench drains will ensure that a netting effect will drain a large amount of water and prevent flooding.
Swimming pools are a common water source that presents a major slipping risk. Many public pools have trench drainage systems around the entire pool; it should be no different for community pools in condos or apartment complexes. Trench drains will ensure the community’s safety and give everyone peace of mind knowing that their pool area is less dangerous.
Senior Living Homes
People of old age who live in assisted living have a hard time performing tasks and constantly risk falling and injuring themselves. It’s imperative to keep surfaces dry to decrease the risk of slipping, and you can do this with a trench drain at exits. When it rains, people entering the building can track in water and make hard surfaces slippery. However, by keeping a trench drainage system at the doorway, you take any excess water and move it away from the entrances.
Installing trench drains in parts of the bathrooms will also decrease the risk of slipping. A trench drain can remove any droplets around the shower area and eliminate a potential danger. This system will help caretakers and seniors since both are at risk for possible injuries.
The natural elements can work against us. Even in our houses and residential buildings, we are frequently affected by the chance of water accumulation. Having a trench drainage system to combat flooding will always be of value, especially in the places we call home.